Dollar Car Rental i San Juan

Puerto RicoDollar Car Rental



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Isla Grande, San Juan, 00907, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-720-5000
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Latitude: 18.4532528, Longitude: -66.0883534

kommentar 5

  • Jon Dilks

    Jon Dilks


    Fast & friendly service with a great rate on a decent car, plus free ride to the airport upon return. No complaints.

  • Robert Hull

    Robert Hull


    Great people who are transparent about fees, insurance, and risks. Helpful tips about where to visit and places to see on the island. Bargain price. Thanks!

  • Seth Thomas

    Seth Thomas


    Great experience. The process was quick, Peter was great. We were luckily able to pull up our insurance info on my phone. It wasn't but a few minutes and we had our car to go to El Yunque & the coast. Nice, clean Toyota Corolla. Peter even gave us a ride back to our cruise ship which was a nice surprise. Good customer service, helpful suggestions about where to go in Puerto Rico. Nice car.Highly recommended.

  • Jakub Kalinowski

    Jakub Kalinowski


    Very good and friendly Service - they won't cheat you for sure. Their cars are almost new, very clean and in good condition. If you need a car in San Juan - go there and you won't regret it!

  • Maria Diaz

    Maria Diaz


    Would definitely use this company again. We had a really nice car (I had a 7 passenger mini van). Good service. The guys in the office were sweet, kind, and professional. Carlos made sure I got to the harbor on time and picked me up when I returned. My family has been renting from Dollar for years. They are our "go-to" car rental company on the island.

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