Oficina de Permisos Urbanisticos (OPU) i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoOficina de Permisos Urbanisticos (OPU)



🕗 åbningstider

Calle Tapia, 00970, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-720-4040
internet side: permits.guaynabocity.gov.pr
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3586954, Longitude: -66.1116866

kommentar 4

  • Ricardo David Jusino Rosario

    Ricardo David Jusino Rosario


    Sirs: We would appreciate investigating certain violations to the construction permits granted for the realization of the project "Rotonda de Guaynabo", in front of the main entrance of the urbanization Colinas Metropolitanas. This developer talked about a retaining wall between the river and the structures. This action was not carried out and there seems to be no interest in doing so, endangering the property and life of the future occupants. On the other hand, they are constructing a new structure in the same curve of the rotunda that was never contemplated in the conceptual planes that these presented in the view carried out in the facilities of the municipality. It seems to be an illegal construction, given the case that we had not seen before. We will appreciate your immediate action to avoid catastrophic issues in the future.

  • A. Cassandra Louis

    A. Cassandra Louis


  • Javier Castro

    Javier Castro


  • Maria Santini

    Maria Santini


    Excellent service

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