Wendy's Old San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoWendy's Old San Juan



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Calle de San Francisco, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-792-2001 ext. 7031
internet side: es-la.facebook.com
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Latitude: 18.4654058, Longitude: -66.1170037

kommentar 5

  • Antonio Berrios Nolan

    Antonio Berrios Nolan


    All you want of a fast food restaurant.

  • Victor Napolillo

    Victor Napolillo


    Stopped in to use the restroom and grab a soda. The water had been shut off to the building but they were still open and cooking food. Verified in the restroom where the sink that employees should be using to wash their hands had no water.

  • Tanisha & Angel Zenon

    Tanisha & Angel Zenon


    Food isball ways good and it a very clean place but service very slow.

  • Don Dilan

    Don Dilan


    It's always good to eat at Wendy's. Good food with a big menu. Great prices. Always choose Wendy's over all other fast food places. Very clean place and friendly atmosphere.

  • Michael Maguire

    Michael Maguire


    Food was fine. Coke Zero tasted off. Men’s sink didn’t have water or a drain pipe. Used some bottled water to wash my hands and it went out the sink drain and onto the floor. There was a guy in the sitting area that takes your trash then asks for tips. Another guy was going around selling bracelets to tables.

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