Aquatica Pirates Jet Ski Adventure Tour i San Juan

Puerto RicoAquatica Pirates Jet Ski Adventure Tour



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1309, Avenue Doctor Ashford, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-531-3593
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Latitude: 18.458129, Longitude: -66.087614

kommentar 5

  • en

    Angel Cooper


    Our guide Ivan was so much fun. We we're able to go real fast on the JetSki. If you want to go slow, that's ok. It was easy to book reservation. I just text them and they let me know what time was available.

  • Kyle Farley

    Kyle Farley


    Wow! Such a fun experience. I definitely recommend this tour for all levels of riders. Ivan was good at explaining how the use the skis. He let us take our time getting used to them. He gave us some history about the island historic sights and made sure we had a great time. We got to go out past the fort and ride the waves. I didn't jump in the ocean but you are allowed to. I'll never forget this!

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    Rosalyn Morgan


    Incredible experience never to forget. I went in a beginner and ended the adventure quite the pirate. What a time. Thank you

  • Ire Gomez

    Ire Gomez


    Paddle board barato y amigable

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    Miranda Stark


    Stay away from this place at all cost! "Captain" Ivan is a jerk, plain and simple. He yelled at members of our group multiple times for having questions/not understanding his tutorial. He flies through the instructions and it is impossible to understand half of what he is saying. It is more than obvious that he is just money hungry and does not want to take the time to actually show you how to do work the jet ski. He is very lucky no one has gotten hurt due to his lack of patience and instruction. Ivan rushes you along to take off everything but your bathing suit in front of everyone, refuses you to bring your phone (even though there is a safe, dry compartment in the jet ski), and all he is interested in is selling you pictures afterward. I wish we would have paid a little more and gone somewhere else. Overall this tour was unprofessional, rushed, and not at all what I expected. Don't waste your time!

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