Sailing Dreams and Sunset Cruises Yacht Charters i San Juan

Puerto RicoSailing Dreams and Sunset Cruises Yacht Charters



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50, Bay Marina, 00908, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-519-5000
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4574049, Longitude: -66.0878718

kommentar 5

  • M Dunbar

    M Dunbar


    Cruise was amazing. One of the most memorable experiences in my life. Captain Judith was excellent and very knowledgeable. Would love to do it again next time I’m in San Juan

  • Maggie Olson

    Maggie Olson


    Wonderful sailing tour! We had the pleasure of meeting captain Judy, and having a memorable family experience during our stay in Puerto Rico. We learned so more about the history and culture of Puerto Rico while enjoying the warm breeze and calm waters. The boat is beautiful but company was even better. I would recommend Sailing Dreams to anyone looking for a good time, relaxations, and great views.

  • Edward Clemons

    Edward Clemons


    Captain Judith was amazing and her first mate was just as great! This is the best way to celebrate our 10 Year anniversary and we don't regret it all. The price was expensive but it was WORTH every penny! We felt like millionaires. The views were amazing. The food was delicious. The drinks were so tasty. This was the highlight of our trip to PR. Do it!

  • Barry Ford

    Barry Ford


    Amazing experience! Friendly and fun crew took my fiancé and I on a romantic sailboat tour from the San Juan bay overlooking Old San Juan. From the relaxing music, to the seats at the front of the sailboat, and the onboard drinks and food, the entire experience was amazing. I would recommend this for any couple looking to experience Puerto Rico and Old San Juan in a romantic and relaxing way

  • Jaqueline Dillon

    Jaqueline Dillon


    Amazing!! Everything about our experience on the charter was absolutely perfect!! The captain and 1st mate made it that much better!!

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