VIP Adventures Puerto Rico i San Juan

Puerto RicoVIP Adventures Puerto Rico



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860, Avenida Ashford, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-466-0131
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4599559, Longitude: -66.0818799

kommentar 5

  • D Cruz

    D Cruz


    I have rented several times here, guys are always nice and accommodating. I like I can reserve and pay online. If you are lucky you may see manatees, also they have the small beach area so it's great to relax before or afterwards.

  • Ryan J

    Ryan J


    The whole process was very easy. You book online, check in at the top of the hill, and walk down to the rental location. A friend of mine rented 2 paddleboards for an hour and had an absolute blast. The workers were bilingual, explained everything very well, and made sure we were comfortable with the board before we went out. We didnt get to see any manatees, but we went in the peak of the heat at 2 in the afternoon, so thats too be expected! BRING SUNSCREEN lol, you will burn! Overall had a blast and will definitely be going back again soon! Thanks for the excellent service guys!

  • Joel Alvarado

    Joel Alvarado


    The area is cool and the kayak experience is nice. But be aware that you have to reserve and pay online, then go to the registration table to get a receipt, then go to another table to be assigned to a kayak. This all would be easier if they just ask you for the electronic receipt you get in your email when you pay on line.

  • Katherine Cart

    Katherine Cart


    Love it. Super fun. Ive been twice so far, and will be back. I would just call ahead of time and ask for available times for the activity you want to do. No need to book online, just show up for the time they tell you over the phone and pay there. Not sure about the card/cash situation for paying onsite though.

  • DavidEMadsen



    Went last year at this time and had an awesome paddle. Saw manatees, stingrays, squid , fish through very clear water. Price was fine considering that in Connecticut, there is nothing remotely like this lagoon to kayak on. I am going back tomorrow with fly rod in hand to have another excellent adventure1

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