Señor Frog's i San Juan

Puerto RicoSeñor Frog's



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102, Calle Marina, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-977-4142
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.46389, Longitude: -66.11242

kommentar 5

  • es

    Luis Rodriguez


    Lugar muy amable y limpio sobre todo

  • Laura Goodwin

    Laura Goodwin


    Food was meh, environment was cruise shippish... I'd need a lot of drinks to be entertained by that. But some peeps were!

  • Xavier Morales

    Xavier Morales


    Great and Fun place. Señor frogs its an experience on differents ways. I love it, they are young and wild... Just like myself!

  • John Florez

    John Florez


    Hamburger was good, service was good very friendly staff. I was on a Monday the place was not busy, probably I was early a couple of days before the big cruisers got to dock at the Marina. But the place look that you could have a lot of fun !

  • Tiffany Marshall

    Tiffany Marshall


    The ambience of this restaurant is fun and lively. The wait staff are really nice and seems to work really well as a team. They did seem a bit distracted by their dancing/singing act. It made the quality drop a bit. The drinks are pretty good as well. The food is standard bar food. Some of it is seasoned well-chicken wings, fish tacos- and other food is just missing the point. The chicken tacos were so overloaded with cheese that the meat cant actually be tasted. While they look nice the taste was just not there.

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