Blue Martini i San Juan

Puerto RicoBlue Martini


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Paseo Caribe, 00907, San Juan, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-653-6900
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4620555, Longitude: -66.0871296

kommentar 5

  • en

    Angelica Flecha


    This is the most trendy place I visited...everyone is very helpful and it's great to meet professional and miss Glenn in an upscale ambiance

  • Elena Fernández

    Elena Fernández


    Great music, great service and great tasty food. View is amazing. Good security. Wonderful ambience and drinks are awesome. In my last visit we ordered food and it was better than the one served in the finest rest in the area. Usually come here for drinks while enjoying live music.

  • en



    Great for cocktails. Live band was great. Cons: high prices

  • Mainon Schwartz

    Mainon Schwartz


    The bartender makes the cocktails in a shaker, then the waitress picks them up and pours them into a glass at your table. Fun service, but if the waitresses aren't quick enough, your cocktails sit in a shaker with melting ice until they're nearly undrinkable. We had a vodka martini (no mixers) that tasted like water, and two of the others were extremely weak. At ~ $15 apiece, they need to do better.

  • en

    Danny Brand


    TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE!!! The bartender was inattentive did not wait on us on time and let the kitchen close while we were looking at the menu. She was too busy texting on her phone. It was my birthday nonetheless. The staff was incompetent. The drinks were terrible. I never write reviews but this place was the absolute worse dining experience I have had. We should have went to Fogo instead which is right above them. Please don't waste your money.

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