AAA Puerto Rico i San Juan

Puerto RicoAAA Puerto Rico


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654, Avenida Luis Muñoz Rivera, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-620-7805
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4128885, Longitude: -66.0568175

kommentar 5

  • Tom Steinke

    Tom Steinke


    Helpful on phone. They show as having auto registration by google but do not do when I called in advance. They were friendly and told me where to go (after you have inspection you buy your marbeta there, or if they do not have, most banks.).

  • Noel Martin

    Noel Martin


    Son rápidos cuando uno llama y su asistencia es muy buena lo recomiendo

  • Jesse Collins

    Jesse Collins


    I visited this AAA branch office to get an international driving permit. It was not well marked on Google Maps, my Garmin GPS, or within the large commercial building it resides at the time of my visit. Long story short, it's in a twenty story building, plus or minus, on the 11th floor. Once I was finally able to locate it, the AAA employee who helped me was very prompt and professional. Only four stars due to the headache involved in finding it.

  • Fernando Fernandez

    Fernando Fernandez


    Excellent gun club

  • es

    Maria Alicea


    La peor experiencia que hemos tenido en servicios de asistencia. No los recomiendo.

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