Acosta Pardo Quiropráctica y Nutrición i San Juan

Puerto RicoAcosta Pardo Quiropráctica y Nutrición



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1151, Avenida Antonio Luciano, 00924, San Juan, Sabana Llana Norte, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-701-3222
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4013862, Longitude: -65.9976809

kommentar 5

  • al rivso

    al rivso


    The service is serious, human and professional. The best chiropractor I've ever been to and know.

  • White Lizard

    White Lizard


    I do not miss an appointment. Being an athletic therapist, I mean that injuries are not always to be left to a physiatrist or a physical therapist or an orthopedist. Everyone has our role. I understood that my situation was a job for a chiropractor and when I met Dr. Acosta, I went to him. I followed exactly what he told me and I did not miss any appointments. My problem with herniated disc between L5 and S1 has been solved. I still do not miss my adjustments. There is no doubt that he is excellent at his job. As a health professional, I recommend it to eyes closed. I want to mention that with Dr. Pardo I had a great experience. If you think you know how to feed yourself, I invite anyone to share food knowledge with her. Hardly one does not know what he is talking about. As a health professional, I failed to take care of my health. Dr. Pardo gave me an excellent food program. He explained the reason why we should eat certain foods, how to measure our weight, how to eat to have good health, how to buy my food, how much to eat, among other things. The results: - My cholesterol levels reached their normal - Levels of sugar fell to the right - Weightloss? (45 lbs in 3 months) I did not go hungry. I learned to feed myself. I never got sick. I did not feel tired. By losing weight he helped me with my back condition. You concentrate better. And another bunch of things that help me daily life. I encourage everyone who has a health problem to visit these two professionals. Do not be afraid and take time to take care of yourself. Thanks Acosta / Pardo

  • Nayeli Haifa

    Nayeli Haifa


    Excellent, it makes you feel comfortable and welcome. It explains everything and gives you advice; demonstrates a genuine interest in his patients. It has helped me a lot even in other branches of medicine. I am 26 years old and I have been doing great, also cares for children and pregnant women.

  • Ruben Segarra

    Ruben Segarra


    They have always given me and my family excellent service. They have already become part of our family and we trust our health in their hands. They are professionals with a lot of experience and knowledge, making the experience in each visit a blessing and full of health.

  • Vanessa Correa

    Vanessa Correa


    Both Rafael Acosta and Sabrina Pardo are excellent, respectful, coordinating and very professional. I feel free to recommend them 100%. Thank you for your services. 😊

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