Advance Auto Parts i Carolina

Puerto RicoAdvance Auto Parts



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Avenida Campo Rico, 00982, Carolina, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-750-1870
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4154449, Longitude: -65.9889776

kommentar 5

  • es

    Stephanie Mariano


    Excelente servicio

  • es

    M. Delgado


    Buen servicio y buenos precios con garantia en piezas.

  • Fernando Pacheco

    Fernando Pacheco


    Buenos precios en piezas

  • Herizo Razafimahazo

    Herizo Razafimahazo


    I had bad experience today to the point I have to call the Police, because I bought a rear bulbs with them with 1 year Warranty, 2 or 3 weeks ago after christmas and for some reason they said " You didn''t buy it from us because they said their item have code " but I explain to them that it was bought there, and I have the receipt to prove it. At the end they didn''t recognize their fault and I have to buy it at their next door competitor. So bad!!!!! But most of time a company that not willing to help their customer have a big problem and closed later.

  • Christian Iglesias-Vélez

    Christian Iglesias-Vélez


    Quick access to parts and accessories for your vehicle. Great parking area, offers a wide variety of services for the vehicles.

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