Albergue Olímpico Germán Rieckehoff i Salinas

Puerto RicoAlbergue Olímpico Germán Rieckehoff


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PR-712 Km. 0.3, Salinas, 00751, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-824-2200
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Latitude: 18.03603, Longitude: -66.236944

kommentar 5

  • Jose Montanez

    Jose Montanez


    Looks like a great place to spend a day with family. Unfortunately, it was closed because their website was not updated. Please let potential visitors know, so they won't waste time and gas and have a carful of disappointed kids.

  • Donald Oyler

    Donald Oyler


    Pretty good place but no military discounts. You can't bring food into the park and the food is expensive.

  • W N

    W N


    I came a few years ago and loved it. I came again today with some family from the states, and I have to say what a disappointment. It has a lot of attractions closed "still" because of Hurricane Maria. What about the government??? Why can't they do something and fix it up. It's a beautiful family place to go and have a blast. It's also a wonderful attraction for tourists. Please GOVERNMENT do something about this great place. Thank you

  • DjRumba2008



    Grate place for the whole family. Lots to do. Grate prices $.

  • Juan Rivera

    Juan Rivera


    Love the place. Clean and well maintained. Great prices.

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