American Freight (Sears Outlet) - Appliance, Furniture, Mattress i San Juan

Puerto RicoAmerican Freight (Sears Outlet) - Appliance, Furniture, Mattress



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Carr. 176 K.M. 0.3 Cupey Bajo, San Juan, 00926, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-332-1797
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3845196, Longitude: -66.0581625

kommentar 5

  • L Cardona

    L Cardona


    My family needed a refrigerator immediately. After calling few others stores without success, I called American Freight in Cupey. Frey patiently listened to all my requests and answers all my questions. He helped me get the refrigerator we needed with a reasonable price. He went above and beyond to help us get it delivered. From now on my first call for any furniture need in Puerto Rico will be to this store. Frey thank you so much for all your help!

  • Nelson Tejada

    Nelson Tejada


    We arrived at the store close to closing time. We needed a refrigerator fast since ours broke. The salesman that helped us was Magda. What a pleasant experience it was! She was very friendly and helpful and guided us to the apppliance that we needed at a fair price. Even though it was closing time she took the time to answer all our questions and explain everything about the warranty. I am very satisfied with the experience. Great customer service! I would recommend the outlet to everyone.

  • Mayra Perez

    Mayra Perez


    After being in front of the salesclerk for about 3 minutes. NO acknowledgement from her. She was just talking to the other salesclerk about another customer. I finally had to say, excuse me. I have a quick question. The store only had three customers. BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!!

  • Millie Viera

    Millie Viera


    Sandra is an excellent sales person. She has vast knowledge of product. She went far and beyond to help me with my appliance purchase thanks also to her manager Alexander Colon.

  • Gisela Vazquez

    Gisela Vazquez


    The guy in the front didnt seem to want to sell anything

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