AMF Bolera Paradise Lanes i San Juan

Puerto RicoAMF Bolera Paradise Lanes



🕗 åbningstider

265, Calle Matadero, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-792-6594
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4156386, Longitude: -66.0961539

kommentar 5

  • José F. Cáceres Cardona

    José F. Cáceres Cardona


    Place has good parking, sufficient lanes, has a bar, and good appetizers. We had a good time!

  • en

    José Sánchez


    Food and drinks are too expensive. Lanes are very good! Very accesible but needs more parking!

  • Fabian Resendiz

    Fabian Resendiz


    Excelent place to hang out with family and friends. They should take care a little more about the menu. Lanes are clean and working just fine. The service also was very good.

  • L0L59



    Very good Bowling Alley. They have a small food court, and the prices are pretty good. The food is also good. Sometimes, they turn the lights down, and put big proyector screens and place music videos, all while having very good visibility of the lane and the pins. The lanes are very well mantained, and well oiled. The once old small arcade room was replaced with claw machines.

  • Jason Warzee

    Jason Warzee


    Good service, nice friendly workers lanes tend to not set all pins in place. The machines in back could use some tlc and lanes could use a better lane oiler machine or heavier amounts of oil on the lane. Balls tend to bite too much from not enough oil and lane being too dry even after bowling right after they had ran the oiling machine down all lanes. All in all it was a great environment and I still have a blast every time I go!😁... Cajun Gringo's from Louisiana 2017/2018

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