Ana G. Méndez University - Cupey Campus i San Juan

Puerto RicoAna G. Méndez University - Cupey Campus


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Ave. Ana G. Mendez No.1399, San Juan, 00926, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-766-1717
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Latitude: 18.3870373, Longitude: -66.0614433

kommentar 5

  • Oscar Muniz

    Oscar Muniz


    Excellent facilities

  • Jose Morales

    Jose Morales


    Great service. If you want to start or continue your studies they support you a 100%

  • Roxana Cabello

    Roxana Cabello



  • Michelle Striegel

    Michelle Striegel


    This is one of my favorite universities on the Island, some teachers are amazing some just could not care.. But the staff for the 98% of them that are there to help you truly are a blessing.. People that go to this university are here to get an education not to fool around. My least favorite month is August, here you get your fresh out of high school students that think we are all there to joke with them like in high school.. In the December most have figured it out or just dropped out..

  • Ian Lugo

    Ian Lugo


    Really nice university with a good variety of program's from nursing, business, computer science and many others.

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