Applebee's Grill + Bar i San Juan

Puerto RicoApplebee's Grill + Bar



🕗 åbningstider

Plaza Las Americas Shopping Center, Space 480, San Juan, 00918, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-765-5002
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Latitude: 18.4217891, Longitude: -66.0738442

kommentar 5

  • Nicolas Rivera

    Nicolas Rivera


    Excellent food, better prices in town.! Love it.!

  • John A lopez

    John A lopez


    Good taste, food should have a little more portions

  • A. Ace

    A. Ace


    The food was fantastic, and the service was EXCELLENT. The waiter we got was ridiculously attentive and sweet! I loved everything.

  • Dioshy Cruz

    Dioshy Cruz


    First timer @ this location... Table was not clean, it took 40 mins to take our order. The main dishes were served before the appetizers. Food itself took almost an hour to be served. One star for atmosphere, one star for food quality... I really doubt that I would come here again.

  • XJS



    Love going to this place with friends and family Kudos to our waiter Francisco who gave the extra mile for us: excellent service, always aware of what we needed, checking on us to see if we needed something else. If I could give 6 stars to this review, I would do it but just for the service that we received from our waiter. Other than that excellent food and service

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