Ashford Dental i San Juan

Puerto RicoAshford Dental



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1018, Ashford Ave, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-998-7778
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Latitude: 18.4586999, Longitude: -66.0773476

kommentar 5

  • Ivette Santiago

    Ivette Santiago


    Was awesome, root canal , almost got sleep not feel any pain

  • cheryl mann

    cheryl mann


    *unprofessional receptionist staff day of; poor at communicating w/patients. highly recommend others SEEK DENTAL CARE ELSEWHERE.* i made an appointment on june 22nd with #AshfordDentalPR for the following week. the person with whom i made the appointment was bilingual (spanish/english) which was important to me. she was also detailed in answering my questions about pricing and services provided. i was given an appointment for 8:30a with #AshfordDentalPR. on the day of my 8:30a appointment i arrived approximately 25 minutes early. there was a couple ahead of me. i signed in for my 8:30a appointment then filled out and returned the paperwork given to me. about 10 - 15 minutes after my arrival four other patients (?) arrived. nearly A HALF-HOUR AFTER my scheduled appointment, and two (three?) of the other patients were called into the back before me, i am called/ushered in to sit in a dental chair. the dental assistant (?) directs me to the chair, places a bib on me, and then leaves. another half-hour passes. it is NOW ONE HOUR AFTER MY SCHEDULED 8:30A APPOINTMENT and the #AshfordDentalPR / #AshfordDental dentist *** has not approached me **** and there is no other acknowledgement from anyone. at approximately 9:35a i take off the bib and walk to the receptionist desk. the person with whom i spoke to make the original appointment is now present. i ask her to confirm that i had an 8:30a appointment. she remembers me (because i asked for someone bilingual and, again, she remembers my detailed questions i guess) and says "yes, i remember your appointment was for 8:30a." however in her next breath she said it looks like someone changed my appointment to 10a. did i received confirmation call from the office the day before my appointment to confirm the time? no. (this is ok. i'm an adult and i should be able to manage my calendar accordingly to be on time.) when i arrived at 8:05a and said my appointment was for 8:30a, did the two people at the receptionist desk tell me that my appointment time had be changed without my being made aware? NO. (i wrote my name and appointment time on the on the sign in sheet THEN completed paperwork and NO ONE THOUGHT IT WAS ODD THAT A PATIENT WAS NEAR 1.5 HOURS EARLY FOR AN APPOINTMENT?!??? this assumes the appointment *was* moved. i am highly skeptical that it was.) do i consider this a professional establishment? one to recommend to others in need of dental care and/or assistance? NO.

  • Héctor Carrión

    Héctor Carrión


    Dr. Cruz and his staff are the best most friendly medical staff I've ever had the pleasure of visiting

  • en



    BEST doc experience in Puerto Rico. He took me at the time of the appointment, which if you live in PR you know this is unheard of and you wait minimum 3 hours in the waiting room. Super attentive, informative and helpful! I was blown away by the service and professionalism.

  • Mirwais Popal

    Mirwais Popal


    Amazing service Doctor Cruz took us right away while away on vacation for a last minute issue. The office is very clean and they were accommodating.

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