AutoGrupo Usados65 - Autos Usados Certificados i San Juan

Puerto RicoAutoGrupo Usados65 - Autos Usados Certificados



🕗 åbningstider

1102, Calle Juan Pea Reyes, 00924, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-906-0421
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3962872, Longitude: -66.0265643

kommentar 5

  • Totally Overrated Sellouts

    Totally Overrated Sellouts


    Never buy here. Last night I was absolutely disgusted at the party she invited me a salesman. First, I was rejected by the guard who proudly called himself Hector when he was asked, and I was not allowed in because he could not speak Spanish well enough to explain that I was invited. While trying to communicate with the sales rep, I saw a man unkempt and her little daughter, about 10 years old, Hector asked if they could have food and explained that they had nothing at home. Hector said no when there was another man who identified himself as Ramon when I asked, and pushed the man fell to the ground with her terrified daughter began to mourn. Then both they yelled at the man and his daughter and Hector kicked him fast enough when he did not look up. I did not understand, but the man (ironically named Jesus and his daughter Maria) explained the translation during dinner I bought them immediately afterwards. Any company that shows food generously and as proudly hate those who are not good enough to never have them should receive business. :( sorry for this business!

  • Yolanda Rodriguez

    Yolanda Rodriguez


    The service is excellent, the staff working in the service area is patient and very attentive. My experience has been unbeatable. All the maintenance of the car I have done in its facilities and I am more than satisfied.

  • Alejandro Miranda

    Alejandro Miranda


    Excellent treatment, and cars at fair prices.

  • Carlos Rodriguez

    Carlos Rodriguez


    They have good treatment and they deal well with the client

  • Emmanuel Ortega Torres

    Emmanuel Ortega Torres


    I want a mazda bus or a slingshot or nice

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