Aviva Family Chiropractic / Tratamientos Quiroprácticos i San Juan

Puerto RicoAviva Family Chiropractic / Tratamientos Quiroprácticos



🕗 åbningstider

1022, Avenida Ashford, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-417-7794
internet side: www.avivachiropractic.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.458209, Longitude: -66.076676

kommentar 5

  • Lisa A. Barba

    Lisa A. Barba


    Dr. Tomey and his ChiropracticOntheGo services was a such a delight to have when I needed it! Being able to have a professional chiropractor who is available to make house calls ready with all of his own equipment was a relief in my time of pain. His expertise and caring presence on assessing my issues before treating me made me feel comfortable and safe. Thank you Dr. Tomey! I will be back for sure!!!

  • Tim Sommer

    Tim Sommer


    Very good doctor. Takes time with each patient. Always feel better after I leave.

  • GreenDrink Guy

    GreenDrink Guy


    This guy is Holistic +his combination of modalities is unique. I found him to be more effective than the average chiropractor.

  • Matthew Phillips

    Matthew Phillips


    I had a bad pinched nerve in my neck causing nerve pain to radiate down my right arm. Luckily I found Dr. Tomey. He was able to make a house call the same day. After that and one follow-up visit, my issue resolved. I've seen several chiropractors, and I was impressed by his knowledge and professionalism. I also appreciate that he spent a great deal of time with me during both visits. The stretches and exercises that he prescribed really have worked. Thank you, Dr. Tomey!

  • Ysatis Rexach

    Ysatis Rexach


    Convinient service, adjusted me at my workplace. Professional and prepared. Everything was amazing, my favorite part was the neck adjustment and the stretching. Really enjoyed and was surprised at the fact that he based the session according to my daily physical activity. Am definitely interested in booking more sessions 👍👍👍👍

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