Banco Popular i San Juan

Puerto RicoBanco Popular



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525 Ave. Roosevelt, Centro Comercial Plaza Las Américas, Primer Nivel, San Juan, 00918, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-753-4590
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4232005, Longitude: -66.0750198

kommentar 5

  • Rafael Romero

    Rafael Romero


    They make you waste time, if your id expires they do not open accounts, even if you bring them any document that identifies you, you have to wait too long for them to attend you. They act in bad faith with the customer. They talk more than they work. I do not recommend that you visit this branch.

  • Diego Muniz

    Diego Muniz


    I gave it 3 stars because it’s one of the only banks that open on Saturday and Sunday’s but the down side of that is it’s always so full with such long lines of customers trying to get their banking done. If you don’t minds waiting in line at least 30 minutes then you’ll be ok, just remember to have your earbuds ready so you can watch a hole episode of your favorite series.

  • Ivan Palacios

    Ivan Palacios


    Banco Popular best bank in Puerto Rico!

  • Christian Colon

    Christian Colon


    Always full!!

  • Lex Mark

    Lex Mark


    If I could put zero starts I would! The service is super slow and the person in the front information counter was very rude and condescending. Made me do the line twice. This guy with black greasy gel hair. Then sat for almost an hour waiting on a bank rep. Very inefficient

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