BI Automotive / Barreras, Inc. i San Juan

Puerto RicoBI Automotive / Barreras, Inc.



🕗 åbningstider

26, Calle Guayama, 00917, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-751-4929
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.416108, Longitude: -66.053756

kommentar 5

  • Tom Steinke

    Tom Steinke


    I forgot to leave this review at time of estimate. About 1 year ago I brought my Suburban in for obvious clunking when turning. They told me it was bad steering box and wanted me to leave car for repair WITHOUT ESTIMATE! after waiting 2 days for an estimate I picked up my car and had it repaired elsewhere. PS steering box was fine. Simply a worn Pittman arm. I am guessing my repair was 10x cheaper and a fairly common straight forward repair. I WOULD NOT TRUST THESE GUYS. SO LOOK THROUGH THESE REVIEWS CAREFULLY. WHEN THEY DO NOT EVEN HAVE COMMENT MAY MEAN THEY ARE FAKE. BEWARE.




    Called in to see the price of oil change for my mirage, guy on the phone says 110$. Ridiculously high price for a simple service, went to nearest competitor and got it done for 30$. Edit: the owners say that it is because they use original equipment (what equipment is required for an oil change?) and synthetic oil. Synthetic oil is about 6-25$ online. Let’s say the actual labor is 40$ (to be generous) So at it’s most expensive, this job should be worth 65$ dollars at most. It’s a ridiculous mark up, they should have more reasonable and affordable prices. Not a great place if you are looking for an affordable and reliable fix up for your vehicle.

  • Jose C. Borrero

    Jose C. Borrero


    Great service

  • Oscar Cardy

    Oscar Cardy


    Very clean and beautiful

  • olwin gonzalez

    olwin gonzalez


    Best place to take care and maintenance your exotic and daily use cars. Ask them about the car storage.

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