Bike Stop Puerto Rico i San Juan

Puerto RicoBike Stop Puerto Rico



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Avenida Andalucía, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-782-2282
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4116635, Longitude: -66.0776222

kommentar 5

  • Joe zavala

    Joe zavala


    Good Service

  • Abigail Rivera

    Abigail Rivera


    Horrible customer service, had an appointment for a fitting that they changed 3 times I get there for the fitting and they had double booked at the same time so I was never able to get fitted. The girl at the counter was rude. Honestly your better off at, Colon cycle or even rute 167. Super disappointing

  • Elvin Jimenez

    Elvin Jimenez


    Best customer service great prices

  • Cesario Zayas

    Cesario Zayas


    Great customer service and good prices!!

  • Mauricio Hernandez

    Mauricio Hernandez


    I travel all the time and was in San Juan for the day. Called them the day before arrival and explained the time constraint.They took my bicycle anyhow and did a regular tune up and brake adjustments. They accommodated their busy schedule to my needs (rush fee 20 USD), They took care of little details and left my road bike in great state; The price for the service is fair (30 USD the tune up and brake service) and the service provided by Mr Juan Torres and other staff was fantastic. I recommend this shop.

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