CAL One Enterprises Corp. i San Juan

Puerto RicoCAL One Enterprises Corp.



🕗 åbningstider

960, Cll 42 Southeast, 00921, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-925-2222
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3994705, Longitude: -66.0726438

kommentar 5

  • Pedro J Gutierrez

    Pedro J Gutierrez


    Excellent company is my second experience in my Condominium they did the treatment in 2012. Then after having lived 8 years we had no problem. In January 2019 I bought a residence which filtered, before moving to it I called Christopher Alers he was very fast and he quoted me a week they were working on the roof, I am two years old in January 2021 and everything in excellent condition. I recommend it to a co-worker and he is extremely happy with the work. Call for maintenance and touch-up and everything in order. Thank you!!!! A ++++

  • Vicente esteves

    Vicente esteves


    Call and quickly they gave me a work date and quickly they began the work in my house A lot of communication and they sent me a lot of photos and videos of how work was going. They are a good team to work with. I am very pleased with the work done in my Home. "Thanks good job"

  • Victor Dávila

    Victor Dávila


    To date the work has been excellent; We have not observed any leaks or leaks.

  • Wilson Calixto

    Wilson Calixto


    This is a scam, bad people to deal with. Service garbage, they take your deposit and never finish the job, be careful. Stay away

  • sophie delaunay

    sophie delaunay


    They use good quality material (and charge for it) but this company is very UNRELIABLE. The work took over one week more than agreed (although it didn't rain) and the team left without connecting back the water tank and without finishing painting joints. It has been two months that I have been calling every week and they haven't come back to finish the job yet.

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