Caribbean Cinemas Plaza Cayey i Cayey

Puerto RicoCaribbean Cinemas Plaza Cayey



🕗 åbningstider

735, Carretera #1, 00736, Cayey, Monte Llano, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-738-0333
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.1255556, Longitude: -66.1333333

kommentar 5

  • DJs Cosplays

    DJs Cosplays


    Still not taking credit cards! Only debit update 23 Apr 2019, finally using cards but not from oriental. For my luck, thats the one I have. 😒

  • SA00ll Telegram

    SA00ll Telegram


    Tryed out one of the smaller locations in the Caribbean Cinema chain and was disappointed. My complaint has to do with a seating rule seemly made up as if by magic. If you put your feet up on the bottom rail in the higher platform area of seats, that will earn you a warning to put them down. I decided to speak to the manager about this poop rule, and he confirmed the rational due to "paint damage". Even though exception was given to us this time, we will not be visiting the cinema nearly as much going forward, since who wants to shot with magic poop rules when sitting in the front row?

  • Henry E

    Henry E


    Movie was pretty empty. Food was okay. No one loud or rude. Good place

  • Ulises Feliciano Troche

    Ulises Feliciano Troche


    Not big...confortable seating but small rooms. Not always good movie choices.

  • Jonathan Vazquez

    Jonathan Vazquez


    Comforty & up to date. Right beside a Yougertfruz epic...

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