Carolina Children’s Museum i Carolina

Puerto RicoCarolina Children’s Museum



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Avenida José Fidalgo Díaz, 00982, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-257-0261
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4188123, Longitude: -65.9681575

kommentar 5

  • Alexis Diaz

    Alexis Diaz


    Is an amszing place to enjoy as a family. Highly recommended

  • Kno Ramos

    Kno Ramos


    Lot of fun for kids and groups,place to spend time with friends and families ❤

  • cesar ramirez

    cesar ramirez


    My children love it..... The boat trip and go kart ate really go experience

  • Bernabé Alvarado

    Bernabé Alvarado


    Don't Waste your time this thing has been close for the past 2 years. There is nothing there anymore. It is a shame!

  • Nelly Nazario

    Nelly Nazario


    I have to tell that I visited many children museum around USA. Louisiana, Florida etc. But until now Puerto Rico has the best children museum. The staff service friendly. The activities are designed for little kids to big kids. And as an adult you will enjoy too. The go cars, mini zoo, the airplane by the way is a real one, the boats, the playground and the inside 2 stories building is full of imagination. You needs more that 3 hours to enjoy. For sure I will stop here again in my next visit and I am recommending to my friends in Louisiana. It was a very mindful day.

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