Casa Alcaldía de Ciales i Ciales

Puerto RicoCasa Alcaldía de Ciales



🕗 åbningstider

Calle Palmer, 00638, Ciales, Ciales, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-871-3500
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3361467, Longitude: -66.4685153

kommentar 5

  • Hilda Nieves-Cebollero

    Hilda Nieves-Cebollero


    An abandoned town, deteriorated and the facilities in total deterioration. They have no vision to make a difference with small details such as painting the facilities in light colors like cream, pots with resistant shirts, cleaning the poles of signs and painting with a soft color. Clean the linear walk that is in total abandonment a place that used to be visited by tourism. Pick up rubble and restore everything that exists with paint. With little you can make a lot; It is only to have a vision of decoration. If they contact me I give you ideas. A town so small that it can be beautiful!

  • Luis D Rosario

    Luis D Rosario


  • Jaysa Velez

    Jaysa Velez


  • Juan Montalvo

    Juan Montalvo


  • J Enrique Rodriguez

    J Enrique Rodriguez


    How is it that this business has a patent Municipality if it is contracted on public roads, I doubt that highway authority or land authority have given authorization to set up this premises, which is .. no Follow code and or permits to operate and they are still doing business, what about fair competition and compliance with the law .. you cannot support this .. we have to control

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