Casa Alcaldía de Humacao i Humacao

Puerto RicoCasa Alcaldía de Humacao



🕗 åbningstider

Calle Atanasio Martínez Díaz, 00791, Humacao, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-852-3066
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.1525576, Longitude: -65.8273399

kommentar 5

  • Wilfredo Cuadrado

    Wilfredo Cuadrado


    Tremendous service

  • Luis Colon

    Luis Colon


    Very nice

  • Jose B Cruz Torres

    Jose B Cruz Torres


    Very informative and attentive

  • Sonia Lynnette Rodríguez González

    Sonia Lynnette Rodríguez González



  • Iris Rodriguez

    Iris Rodriguez


    A disaster since one calls and they do not answer the same one an hour ago and nothing that responds only to ask for the number of the rubbish office. Since your employees in the municipal truck happily in the Urb El Paraiso early in the morning left me the garbage in front of my house they see you laughing in your face and are happy as if they had not seen anything that is missing respect. Well annoyed that I am. This leaves much to say about the employees of the Municipality of the person who is in charge of these employees and that they damage their Alcarde

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