Casa Alcaldía- Municipio de Bayamón i Bayamón

Puerto RicoCasa Alcaldía- Municipio de Bayamón



🕗 åbningstider

Km11, Puerto Rico 2, 00959, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-780-5552
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3962298, Longitude: -66.1556457

kommentar 5

  • Yhuvier



    I really like the structure of this building, it has made history in Puerto Rico. This large building can be seen from the heights of an airplane arriving at the Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport or in a helicopter pass. The staff, yes, I must say that they believe a lot for working in this place at the hand of the honorable mayor, Ramón Luis Rivera Cruz (Son) 2001-2025

  • Fernando Figueroa

    Fernando Figueroa


    I go there to play Pokemon Go, but it's mostly closed to the public.

  • Diana Rosado

    Diana Rosado


    Excelent service

  • Japhet Ortiz

    Japhet Ortiz


    it's a good place to have fun but also is good because it has the best transportation system in all Bayamon train station bus station and public bus station love it it's a great service great city hall and great mayor Ramon Luis

  • Fabian Rosa

    Fabian Rosa



nærmeste Rådhus

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