Casa Pizzelle (antes Latte que Latte) i San Juan

Puerto RicoCasa Pizzelle (antes Latte que Latte)



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273, Avenida Ingeniero Manuel Domenech, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-963-1070
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4141923, Longitude: -66.0634592

kommentar 5

  • José Santiago

    José Santiago


    Good ambiance, good food, great coffee and tea. The Billy Holiday sandwich on cibatta is our favorite. The store front has a local business area with goodies and merchandise so you can support their work.

  • Tey C

    Tey C


    good food but very slow service

  • Giovanni Diaz

    Giovanni Diaz


    Excellent Latte! Customer service is really good and the place is small yet warm and cosy!

  • Korra Lee Parker

    Korra Lee Parker


    Principal bad thing: The menu does not have the complete information of food combos and prices. You might have do a surprise payment plus miss out on many products if you're a new customer. The rest is pretty wonderful :3

  • Victor Figueroa

    Victor Figueroa


    Great Coffee, awesome sandwiches and the place is relatively cozy. Downside, there are only 2 parking spots. You will have to find parking elsewhere since the other parking are of other shops

nærmeste Cafe

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