Centro de Servicios Integrados - Río Piedras i San Juan

Puerto RicoCentro de Servicios Integrados - Río Piedras



🕗 åbningstider

Calle Robles, 00925, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-2121
internet side: csi.pr.gov
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3997993, Longitude: -66.0519652

kommentar 5

  • Efrain Rodriguez

    Efrain Rodriguez


    very well

  • Eric Paul Mendoza

    Eric Paul Mendoza


    Useless. A phone # appears to call and you get the State Department. You call and nobody answers you. What a failure.

  • Alexandra Feliz

    Alexandra Feliz


    Nice place, good air conditioning. Nice staff welcoming you, BUT after 1 hour waiting my turn,the person in charge of processing my form stands up and loudly states that he is going for lunch and the rest of the employees the same, leaving a full room of people waiting for a whole " Lunch" hour, that is not described on their schedule. Very disrespectful.

  • Sergio A. Estrada Ramirez

    Sergio A. Estrada Ramirez


    I waited over 3 hours for a title duplicate and they told me, the last minute, at the window that they don't do that. The supervisor told me to go back tomorrow to a different office. Rickyn , fix up the DMV: it stinks.

  • Kathleen Corcoran

    Kathleen Corcoran


    So, it’s closed.

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