Cold Stone Creamery i Bayamón

Puerto RicoCold Stone Creamery


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Building 1, Suite 1, Plaza Rio Hondo Shopping Center, Bayamón, 00921, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-795-1100
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.424249, Longitude: -66.1628652

kommentar 5

  • Jorge Luis Rodriguez

    Jorge Luis Rodriguez


    Absolutely delicious!!!! All the sins and calories that makes you feel guilty, but how good it is!!!!!! Ahh, and good service too!

  • angel oquendo

    angel oquendo


    The place is a regular coldstone creamery. The staff is pretty nice but the store could use a clean up. The bathrooms are dirty and only one works. Its pretty depressing if it weren't for the ice cream.

  • Edith Ruiz

    Edith Ruiz


    Excellent service and awsome tasty choices of ice creams and add-ons.

  • Juan Correa

    Juan Correa


    Very good topping selection and variety of flavors. Service could be more customer service oriented.

  • Jose Fernandez

    Jose Fernandez


    This particular store figures out that they can treat their customers cheaply in order to make a larger profit. No Debit/Credit card system for over a month, their not accepting the Cold Stone loyalty program, they don't even have napkins! Very poor service!

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