Cooperativa Jesus Obrero i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoCooperativa Jesus Obrero



🕗 åbningstider

Puerto Rico 1, 00971, Río, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-720-6209
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3132062, Longitude: -66.0872884

kommentar 5

  • Pablo Figueroa

    Pablo Figueroa


    The customer service is very poor. Months ago I called to reverse Maria's moratorium and they assured me it was reversed. Last week I called to advance 2 payments and settle my account and I was surprised that they were not 2 payments, but 5. They are irresponsible when it comes to informing their clients. And worst of all, it is nobody's fault, only the customer's.

  • Marta Rodriguez Padilla

    Marta Rodriguez Padilla


    Coop Jesus Obrero I recommend it to 101%. You arrive there and they receive you as if they were your family, their spectacular interviews. To be able to help you. And when you leave more than pleased. It was a? Spectacular experience. Thanks Danieli Figueroa.

  • Juan carlos Carmona

    Juan carlos Carmona


    hello I have been 3 days that I can not verify my account in home bankin today November 26 call in the morning is 7 p.m. and yet

  • Maria M. Rodríguez

    Maria M. Rodríguez


    Excellent sevices. The large family of the Jesús Obrero Cooperative strives to ensure that members receive services and a treatment of excellence. Thank you

  • Gustavo Guevara

    Gustavo Guevara


    Excellent services and benefits

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