Costco Wholesale i Bayamón

Puerto RicoCostco Wholesale



🕗 åbningstider

Calle 2, 00959, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-474-6930
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.404397, Longitude: -66.1943497

kommentar 5

  • Jose M. Carrera

    Jose M. Carrera


    The place is full, parking takes a while, to pay and get out also takes a while, but they have lots of products and great prices. If you need help, any type of help, just have to ask and a very helpful employee will assist you. Thank you Benny.

  • Charles Miller

    Charles Miller


    Great selection at a great price is what Cosco is all about. They follow CDC protocol.

  • Mar Rivera

    Mar Rivera


    I love costo, but they are not too safe

  • Ramon Burgos

    Ramon Burgos


    Easy going parking lot is getting small.

  • Edgardo Calderon

    Edgardo Calderon


    Shopping went smooth, quick and safe. Could not ask for more.

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