Crowley Liner & Logistics i San Juan

Puerto RicoCrowley Liner & Logistics


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Calle Lindbergh, Isla Grande Airport, San Juan, 00902, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-729-1000
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.454091, Longitude: -66.102449

kommentar 5

  • Hope Fitchpatrick

    Hope Fitchpatrick


    I arrive at 9:30 am I didn't leave until 3:00pm

  • Amy Pazos

    Amy Pazos


    We shipped our first vechile to Puerto Rico using a different company. However, we were quoted less here. We realize why we should have paid more. Once you come to this area of the port, information is not clearly stated. Large signs directling folks where to go would be appreciated. Please note that where you pick up your vechile closes from 11-12 for lunch. It would be amazing if they staggered those working there so you don’t loose an hour waiting. The waiting room does have vending machines which saved us since we were there from 10 am to almost 2 pm. If you have a pay a fee, you have to wait again to see someone to print you out how much you owe. Then you have to wait again to pay at the cashier. Then you have to wait again for your vechile to be retrieved. Essentially, block out a large amount of time, bring snacks & something to drink, bring something to read because you will be here a while if you decide to use them. They do employ many people. Hopefully they will help make modifications to have a better customer service experience.

  • Daniel Sauceda

    Daniel Sauceda


    Paperwork issues with incorrect information straight from there office. U go get your truck then they won't let you out the gate. Because Why!! Someone is to lazy to do their job. Like inputting the correct trailer zipu # Corresponding to its trailer number. An if u have problems there's a room called trouble you have to use to get it straightened out. They need people in the office next to the exit gates to work on paperwork. Instead of having drivers wait hours to correct paperwork.

  • Mudanzas Rodriguez Express

    Mudanzas Rodriguez Express


    Send cars with car export express and Puerto Rico Car Transport, the better option to receive excelente service.

  • Kleber A. Rodriguez

    Kleber A. Rodriguez


    One of the best and long standing cargo shipping companies in the world. Need we say more?

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