Cuvee Boutique Spa i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoCuvee Boutique Spa



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Plaza Chalets de Caparra #5, Guaynabo, 00966, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-782-5527
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.404161, Longitude: -66.115556

kommentar 5

  • es

    Maria Diaz


    Mi experiencia con Janelly ha sido espectacular! Ella es única! Nunca había tenido una masajista que tuviera tanta pasión en lo que hace. Vale la pena y el dinero que se paga.

  • es

    Yaleiska Rexach


  • Sydnia Rosado

    Sydnia Rosado


    Super cozy relaxing place!

  • en

    Alexandra Garcia Pierce


    I will start off by saying that there is nothing that can compare to Cuvee Spa. There is no other place like this in PR! This beautiful space is nestled in a small shopping center in Guaynabo city with top of the line amenities and service. Beautifully designed, their interior décor is feminine and modern. I absolutely love the size of their facilities; not to big but not too small, it is just right making the whole experience feel even more special. They take only 2 to 3 appointments at a time, making your entire visit super extra private and their attention to detail is IMPECABLE! You truly feel like a queen in the hands of the extraordinaire Dra. Carly Cabeza and her wonderful team of ladies. Exceptional love and care all throughout my visit! There Caudalie and Deborah Lippmann products are just superb! My mani /pedi , Massage, Acupuncture and Facial were AMAZING! One of the best things about this spa is that they offer incredible Acupuncture therapy!!!! By far the most complete day spa around!!! I LOVE CUVEE!!!!! BRAVOO BRAVOOOO AND BRAVO!!!

  • es

    Alejandro Perez


    Excelente servicio y calidad de productos.

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