Dr. Juan M. Bertrán Pasarell - Ortopeda i Caguas

Puerto RicoDr. Juan M. Bertrán Pasarell - Ortopeda



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D 5, Avenida Degetau, 00725, Caguas, Caguas, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-746-6576
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.2238057, Longitude: -66.0436965

kommentar 5

  • Fernando Carbonell

    Fernando Carbonell


    Excellent doctor and human being. Attention and professional treatment and the medical service of excellence. Dr. Bertrán attended the fracture of my son and was the same as before the accident. My knee was operated seven years ago and I have not had problems since then.

  • Sofía Rivera Torres

    Sofía Rivera Torres


    Very happy with the service whenever I call, the secretary of alfredo of the violet hair is super good, attentive, helps everyone in all that he can, he calls you calmly by phone to give you the appointment because he fills the file by phone so that one does not have to be filling out papers, notes you on the phone and tells you to call her to verify the shift, it does not bother you to call her because she just wants to help you not waste time. As I heard there, it has been 30 years and I saw how patients love her. While she is there, I will continue visiting the office

  • 0mayra Cruz

    0mayra Cruz


    Excellent specialist

  • Nania Ivonne Osorio Oquendo

    Nania Ivonne Osorio Oquendo


    Very well.

  • Haydee Dominguez

    Haydee Dominguez


    Excellent service.

nærmeste Fysioterapeut

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