Dulce Aroma i Fajardo

Puerto RicoDulce Aroma



🕗 åbningstider

100, Calle Unión, 00738, Fajardo, Fajardo, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-657-5173
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.328878, Longitude: -65.649367

kommentar 5

  • Javier Sotomayor

    Javier Sotomayor


    Great little coffee shop. Very affordable and great food selection. Coffee is AMAZING. Owner and staff are nice and personable. Recommend A+. Thanks! ☕

  • es

    Jose Padilla


    El mejor café del área este de PR. Excelente Servicio y atenciones de parte de su propietario

  • Jake's Top Notch Tree Service tree guy

    Jake's Top Notch Tree Service tree guy


    Very well priced food! Very good food!!! Everything omlet was tasty! Great coffee and smoothies! Highly recommend it! Wish we would've found it sooner on our trip we would've ate there every morning! Thank you for the great food and service!

  • en

    Layzne Alves


    Excellent! The coffee is great, the sandwiches (chicken pesto w/ sundried tomatoes is five stars) and the service is superb. Small, quaint and cozy.

  • en

    Annette Guzman


    We went last January looking for a good place for breakfast near our hotel and found this. We sat right at the counter and ordered eggs and ham and french toast with Nutella. It is kid friendly which was great, he made them fancy looking hot chocolates. The coffee was amazing. The food took a little long but it was worth it and he was talking to us a lot especially knowing we were from Chicago and he had been a whole bunch of times. It was great-a must go :)

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