Econo i Carolina

Puerto RicoEcono



🕗 åbningstider

#3, Avenida 65 de Infantería, 00987, Carolina, Canovanillas, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-701-6262
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3754196, Longitude: -65.9247176

kommentar 5

  • Victoria Rodriguez

    Victoria Rodriguez


    This place supermarket has almost every item you might need. Good control for people safety for Covid Reasonable prices.

  • Luis Rodriguez

    Luis Rodriguez


    Prices are good, good stock, clean, their cafeteria food is very good too.

  • maria pedraza

    maria pedraza


    This store is very clean and products always available. Employees very helpful and supportive.

  • Chef Orlando

    Chef Orlando


    Special thanks for that young 👩 that works at the bakery in the night shift that help me a lot with there variety of donas 👍👍👍that's what i call customer satisfaction....

  • Henry Colon

    Henry Colon


    Great supermarket carrying a wide variety of products. Lots of spaces without bumping along others. All registers are open. Staff is courteous and cognizant that all should keep a safe distance. Temperature is taken before you get into the supermarket. As far as I am concered it has the best selection of wines and liquors.

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