Edgardo Rodríguez Vallecillo, MD i San Juan

Puerto RicoEdgardo Rodríguez Vallecillo, MD



🕗 åbningstider

29, Calle Washington, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-723-7230
internet side: www.rodriguezvallecillo.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4549679, Longitude: -66.0660732

kommentar 5

  • Jessica Perez

    Jessica Perez


    He has treated me in various different situations from complicated to simpler and ALWAYS finds what it is and what he prescribes or the treatment he gives me is taken away. He has removed insecurities in me with how fast and effective his treatments are. I am from Mayagüez (I have only lived in SJ for 1 year) and before living here, I was traveling from Mayagüez to see this phenomenal doctor. I love him very much and he doesn't even know it! May God always take care of him and he will be my dermatologist until the last day I work or when I die. Highly recommended!

  • Sofía Santiago

    Sofía Santiago


    Excellent doctor! Super friendly and explains everything. He is patient and very professional. I recommend it 100%

  • Giovanni Siaca

    Giovanni Siaca


    Best doctor i ever found.

  • C N

    C N


    I didn't feel much pain removing the warts. Dr.Rodriguez was really gentle how he put anastasia. Very friendly service and the nurse was nice too.

  • Felix Abraham

    Felix Abraham


    Poor quality of treatment

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