Edificio José M. Lázaro i San Juan

Puerto RicoEdificio José M. Lázaro



🕗 åbningstider

Calle Mangos, 00931, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-764-0000
internet side: biblioteca.uprrp.edu
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4043938, Longitude: -66.0498942

kommentar 5

  • Felix F Falero Perez

    Felix F Falero Perez


    It is the best and most complete Library of P.R. , put it to the test and she can find what you are looking for. There is no other Library like the José M. Lázaro Library, there is none.

  • Osmán Avilés

    Osmán Avilés


    It is a very dear library. Friendly and youthful service, it has all the signs of a university library. In addition, the Puerto Rican collection is enviable and the exhibition gallery is renewed frequently. Finally, the second floor is quieter if you have problems with concentration.

  • Estefania Perez

    Estefania Perez


    Verify operating hours. Good place to study

  • Daniel Montes

    Daniel Montes


    Amazing library. Big open spaces, plenty of booths with power and enclosed areas with tables for private group meetings. Diverse collections of books, magazines and newspapers.

  • Jaythan Rodriguez

    Jaythan Rodriguez


    Nice library, smells like books and has all the resources you need to be able to graduate. Also, open to the public.

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