EDP University - Recinto de Hato Rey | Hato Rey Campus i San Juan

Puerto RicoEDP University - Recinto de Hato Rey | Hato Rey Campus



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560, Avenida de la Constitución, 00918, San Juan, Hato Rey Sur, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-765-3560
internet side: www.edpuniversity.edu
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4152493, Longitude: -66.0555079

kommentar 5

  • Raciel Esteban Martinez Fuentes

    Raciel Esteban Martinez Fuentes


    I have not yet entered the university but I think they should work more on the lesson plan since I have heard from people close to me who are starting the course and it is being very difficult for them since there is no person to tell them where start . There is no teacher who teaches an online class. Good is my opinion

  • Honest Reviews

    Honest Reviews


    A tip for all current and future Nursing students. If your purpose is to save money and time, EDP is for you. But I do not consider that they prepare you at university level like other universities in PR. The concept remains as an institute. The preparation is poor due to the speed of the program and many students graduate with little knowledge. IF YOUR GOAL IS TO PASS THE NCLEX, it will be much harder for you. Many recommend EDP NCLEX CRUSADE as an online review. But in reality the classes that are important are not included in the initial cost $ 318 important as endocrine, EKG, safety and Psychology ... have an additional cost of $ 25- $ 50. They only give you superficial strategies ... because the practical questions and deep explanations also have an additional cost of these. The course is not content ... if you want practical questions you must pay more and the topics that will actually come out in the Nclex are not included are additional. You can repeat the initial course $ 318 every time but it would be the same class and the same incomplete content that does not help much. Some classes are repetitive and you often waste time on topics that do not lead you to practice for the Nclex. The teachers are very good people but the course is not what is expected. If you decide to study at EDP use other resources to nurture your knowledge and look for a good review for the NCLEX that covers all for a single price. If you decide to take the PR license, I recommend 100% review of the PR nursing school. Nclex Crusade Update: Initial cost $ 318 and in its entirety it costs $ 1,143. You can repeat the course every time but it would be the same class. Everyone already knows the answers and does not give you time to analyze the questions. They act like robots. Most people take from 5 months to 1 year in the course. And it's the same !!! Some classes are repetitive or similar and many times you lose time on topics that do not lead you to practice. Around 20-30 minutes.

  • Emilio Ever

    Emilio Ever


    Excellent attention among some staff work, but concerning the student-student interaction is null while you're away and when you're face and almost impossible to see and give you excuses that neither they believe them. My problem is with a teacher of that institution one that seems to have or be another color there is an existing friction. And it has been noted among students echo and none for fear deigned would dam of telling. Perhaps you access to study here but stay away from that teacher; everyone knows.

  • Animemaster51



    Great university

  • Christopher L. Bovee de Soto

    Christopher L. Bovee de Soto


    the most affordable college on the island, credit for credit, except for UPR of course.

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