Eight Noodle Bar i San Juan

Puerto RicoEight Noodle Bar



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999, Ashford Avenue, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-723-8881
internet side: www.condadoplaza.com
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Latitude: 18.4610275, Longitude: -66.0810848

kommentar 5

  • en

    Doug Cisler


    Great walnut shrimp. Very convenient in the hotel Candado Plaza Hilton.

  • Trevor McCampbell

    Trevor McCampbell


    My wife and I stayed at the hotel and we got back late from a long day out exploring. We placed and order for pick up and we enjoyed the food. We wished we had more time to have possibly experience the full menu.

  • Ryan Fuller

    Ryan Fuller


    Driven to log on and rate it because it was simply abhorrent. I ordered the calamari, miso, and wonton soup. Miso was cold, essentially made from a packet. Wonton had what tasted like used leftover shumai. And the calamari was laughable. Barely a handful, didn't even fill the bottom of the container it came in to go WITH the sauce included. Chewy, unseasoned. It seemed like a passing effort. Don't be fooled by the reviews. It's sad. They charge SO MUCH and for so little. Never again

  • St Nu

    St Nu


    Good food. Decent drinks.

  • Terence Chang

    Terence Chang


    This noodle bar inside the hotel taste very good. We have group of 6 and we ordered 5 different noodle soups. They are all great from traditional Chinese perspective. Not salty at all. The soup itself is the key to the taste of noodle soup. We can tell the soup ingredient is good. The chef did great job! The friendly waitress do speak Chinese and gave us some hints for touring in Puerto Rico.

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