El Corozo i Sabana

Puerto RicoEl Corozo



🕗 åbningstider

Puerto Rico 690, 00646, Sabana, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-270-1770
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4775138, Longitude: -66.3414986

kommentar 5

  • en

    hck qi


    A place for both drinking and eating, the service is just bad, and the food was inconsistent, some plates where great and others could've been better, with better management this place could easily be rated 5 stars

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    Vilmary Rivera


    Clean and nice place to eat. Near a beach.

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    Erik Mendoza


    Good local bar food and drinks

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    Pedro collazo maymi


    The food was good, but the service was very slow, the waitress apologize but we wait more than 30 mins. Maybe that day. But I will return.

  • en

    Pat Martin


    Friendly and attentive staff. Juke box was loud for daytime but they turned it down when asked to. Wide selection of craft beer. Some were a little pricey but Blue Moon, (they had three) was $3.00.

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