El Mofongo Ahogao i San Juan

Puerto RicoEl Mofongo Ahogao



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Avenida Cesar Gonzalez # 574 Urb. Roosevelt, San Juan, 00918, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-274-1455
internet side: elmofongoahogao.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4112757, Longitude: -66.0656124

kommentar 5

  • es

    Mit Ch


    Comida buena. Necesitan mayor atencion en la limpieza de las mesas y el area de echar los desperdicios. Por lo demas bien, muy buenos los dulces y el cafe.

  • en

    kike cola


    One of those hidden decade family owned places once discovered you never get rid of it. Where you'll find great semi-fancy food at very good price ($13 dollars the expensive one ) and one of the best mofongos in the San Juan area. A crunchy but smooth mofongo ( not mangú the dominican style mofongo version ) with really crunchy home made pork's skin strips. Because it's a "cafeteria" oriented place the food is guickly but adequately prepare. A formidable lamb leg at $10.99. A great skirt steak ("churrasco" ) at $11.50. They has seafood like( " bacalao " )cod and red snapper and obviously chicken and pork too amongs others. They serve a very good coffee. It's a cozy but small place, so it's better to call before if your order it's to eat there and you are with more than two, to check table availability. Has good free parking.

  • Luz Santiago

    Luz Santiago


    Mofongo is too soft not crispier as it should be... Not cooked puertorican style. 😒

  • en

    Caroline Richardson


    Great food. Fast service. Not really friendly but that could have been because of the particular cashier. I still would recommend it.

  • Josue Martell

    Josue Martell


    Sirven uno de los mejores mofongos, fuera de eso la comida es buena. Casi todos los almuerzos fuertes fluctuan en $12-16 si incluye la bebida. No hay mayo ketchup, ni dressing para la ensalada. El servicio es en el counter, sirven bastante rápido. El espacio es pequeño y pegado, las mesas se llenan rápido al medio dia.

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