Entre Pizza Y Leña i Fajardo

Puerto RicoEntre Pizza Y Leña



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Fajardo, 00738, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-980-4141
internet side: pizzeriaspr.com
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Latitude: 18.3394604, Longitude: -65.6692937

kommentar 5

  • Ivette Davila

    Ivette Davila


    Great pizza and service. A bit pricey

  • en

    Angie Santi


    I love local places to eat. The pizza, drinks, music and service are good. I recommend you try the mojitos.

  • en

    Michael Nieves


    Cute place off the main route. Good pizza. Rustic outdoor ambiance. Entertainment on the week end.

  • Chris Covetz

    Chris Covetz


    Had a onion, mushroom, and pineapple pizza and I was completely surprised by the amount of pineapple. After having been to other pizza places that didn’t have pineapple, Entre Pizza Y Lena put 2 pieces as if it was one piece. Lots of pineapple, wood fire made for a great tasting pizza also! It was seat yourself and had a lot of parking, definitely recommend this pizza place and I look forward to coming back!

  • Bobby Weston

    Bobby Weston


    Incredible pizza!! Also fantastic creative adult drinks. They will make children's drinks as well. Plenty of parking and Lots of seating for families. A bit pricey for Puerto Rico but worth the money for the quality.

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