Estación de Bomberos Barceloneta i Barceloneta

Puerto RicoEstación de Bomberos Barceloneta



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Barceloneta, 00617, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-846-2330
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4331075, Longitude: -66.5500072

kommentar 3

  • J Enrique Rodriguez

    J Enrique Rodriguez


    Greetings good afternoon I understand that ogpe was created to fix Puerto Rico in the permitting process and others. I wonder and the ogpe inspectors do not see this, businesses on state streets a few feet from the traffic line, how could they have permits on the land of highway authorities, the police did not come for security and law enforcement, firefighters like is that this business is operating without the extinguishers in the dining room, Manati municipality that has this patent, health if this is a place where the toilets and hot water are? Those are some of the questions I ask myself when I see this. I think we should work for a better Puerto Rico

  • Jonathan Martínez Nieves

    Jonathan Martínez Nieves


  • Johnny Mercado

    Johnny Mercado


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