Estudio de Arte Samuel Lind i Loíza

Puerto RicoEstudio de Arte Samuel Lind



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PR-187, 23.0 km, Loíza 00772, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-876-1494
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4254314, Longitude: -65.8439263

kommentar 5

  • Eternal Polk

    Eternal Polk


    A wonderful experience with Samuel giving us a tour of his studio and showing us his work, including an impromptu drum session! The kind of place that inspires the artist in you.

  • Dwight Woods

    Dwight Woods


    Artwork is phenomenal and Samuel Lind is a humble and highly talented artist

  • Rafael Arroyo Jr

    Rafael Arroyo Jr


    To say Mr. Lind's art is inspiring is an understatement. Upon entering the gallery you're immediately transported into a time when Bomba y Plena dominated social gatherings and then to an earlier time when La Caciqua Yuíza graced the land of Boríken leading her people just before the Spaniards came to turn their world upside down. It was a beautiful journey through the sometimes forgotten history of our Taíno & African ancestors.

  • Abby Johnson

    Abby Johnson


    This morning I had the pleasure of visiting Samuel Lind’s studio. Samuel made me feel welcome-like we have been lifelong friends. He is a humble artist. Look into his accomplishments, and you will be amazed. His work is phenomenal. He currently has a show in Chicago. What a blessing to meet him, hear insights into his work, and take home a signed piece of art!

  • Howie Outerbridge

    Howie Outerbridge


    It was a real pleasure to meet Mr.Lind and have a tour of his house and studio. He literally opens up his house to his guests and shows them his amazing paintings, bronze sculptures and silk screens. Such beautiful pieces of art deeply rooted in Puerto Rican culture and history. It was amazing to tour his house and see pieces in all stages of completion in every room. Thank-you Mr.Lind for your kindness and hospitality, it was one of the highlights from our visit to Puerto Rico!

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