Faccio Pizza i Bayamón

Puerto RicoFaccio Pizza



🕗 åbningstider

Carr. 167 KM.13.6, Barrio Pájaros, Rexville, Bayamón, 00959, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-799-5777
internet side: www.facciopizza.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3615978, Longitude: -66.1899424

kommentar 5

  • eggydrums



    Faccio is undoubtedly one of the best local pizzeria chains. Across all locations, the food is consistently great. This one in particular has a very pleasant atmosphere, the waiter that took our orders was extremely helpful and friendly, and of course, the food was fantastic. Can't recommend Faccio enough!

  • Alexis Quiñones Rivera

    Alexis Quiñones Rivera


    Great place to have dinner or lunch with family and friends. There are food specials every day. The staff is great.

  • gl

    Migdalia Alvira


    Variedadde pizzas. Acompañala con una sabrosa sangría de la casa.

  • L0L59



    Excellent service, the food arrived quickly and it tasted very good and fresh. The place is quite comfortable. The prices are pretty good considering the amazing quality of the food. I definetely recommend it!

  • Virginia Rivera

    Virginia Rivera


    El lugar un poco deteriorado, sillas incómodas, rotas. El trato cordial y ameno. La comida bastante bien.

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