Fajardo Inn i Fajardo

Puerto RicoFajardo Inn



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52 Parcelas Beltran, Fajardo, 00740, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-860-6000
internet side: www.fajardoinn.com
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Latitude: 18.3348709, Longitude: -65.6368099

kommentar 5

  • Ashley Wenthe

    Ashley Wenthe


    The rooms were clean and very spacious. Very nice views. I'm giving a 4 star bc the staff was extremely unfriendly. The security guards were more friendly than the front desk staff.

  • Chris Grace

    Chris Grace


    A good night's sleep goes a long way. And they have parrots and a teeter-totter. Mini golf was a nice break. It's been a good base for diving and adventures, but not too exciting in and out itself. The room is quite and the mattress and pillows are fabulous. Good hot water pressure and a big quite fridge in the room.

  • Abiezel Rojas

    Abiezel Rojas


    The hotel is in great need of updates. The room was not cleaned every day which for the price you would imagine it would be better maintained. The front receptionists can be extremely rude and hostile. We arrived earlier than check-in (4 pm) which is completely unreasonable as most flights arrive either early in the morning or mid-day. We will never again book another stay at Fajardo Inn. This is the 4th time traveling to Puerto Rico, and this is by far the worse hotel we have stayed in. I would recommend staying either in San Juan or the West Coast of Puerto Rico.

  • Ghost Review

    Ghost Review


    Don’t waste your money!! I’m from the area and had never been here. Decided to take a chance and give it a try... what a mistake that was!!! The hotel is not clear with current requirements only to tell you about them when it’s too late for you to cancel without penalty. At the point when you are made aware (at check-in) it’s too late to get a refund. The staff was not friendly, totally unconcerned and they refused to take ownership of the situation. They told me that I had to call the booking website when they knew that the 3rd party co. couldn’t do anything. It was the worst experience traveling. Stay away from this place!

  • Justin Puckett

    Justin Puckett


    We enjoyed our stay here and love the people of Fajardo. Unfortunately the check in staff are not as kind. While not rude, they were direct and unpleasant to interact with. There were only 4 rooms occupied of more than 150 and we got there an hour early and they made us wait until check in time. The pool and ground are well kept and the food and dining staff were excellent. It was not a cheap stay and for the money the service didn't match. But we felt clean and safe.

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