Farmacia Rey #11- Cataño i Cataño

Puerto RicoFarmacia Rey #11- Cataño



🕗 åbningstider

115, Avenida Barbosa, 00962, Cataño, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-275-4200
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4412338, Longitude: -66.1195968

kommentar 5




    Do not pick up the phone I always have to call 7-12 times to pick it up and sometimes they even hook one up, I just want them to prepare a replay to be able to go through there and get out quickly due to the pandemic ...

  • Poetic Woman_041

    Poetic Woman_041


    Excellent pharmacy where they give you a good deal when it comes to buying your medications.

  • jen Olmo

    jen Olmo


    Good service, you will find everything!

  • Irelis Orengo Sanchez

    Irelis Orengo Sanchez


    The pharmacy is very beautiful and things are super cheap, but the pity service and the employees are not able to treat the customer, and they do not know how to answer questions about anything, they do what they do not know so as not to answer, what a shame because it is a pharmacy very complete, but with heavy employees.

  • Vanessa Diaz

    Vanessa Diaz


    Never pick up the phone .. I'm in Cabo Rojo calling for a replay so when I get to Cataño have the recipe ready and don't pick it up .. From 7:00 am .. And it's 7:58 .. That is one hour ringing It cannot be that they do not listen to it .. For me it is that the employees do not like to answer the phones .. They should not act like that since customer service should be the first and for the customer it is that you are there .. . THANK YOU

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